Special conditions for audit

Grishina Irina Viktorovna
The season of mandatory and voluntary audit is in full swing.

Shortly before the period of filing statements, we have prepared special conditions for this service.

Ordering the audit in December, you will receive the first consultation complimentary as well as 10% discount for the subsequent audit.

Our portfolio includes state and state-financed establishments, large manufacturing and trading entities, as well as numerous SMEs. Regardless of the scope you need, we have always something to offer you.

We are able to perform an inventory check, due diligence and arrange an effective accounting and taxation system. This is not an exhaustive list of our abilities.

The reputation and high qualification of our team are backed by 20+ years experience on the market, by a regular presence in Top-100 Largest Audit and Consulting Companies according to Expert RA.
Grishina Irina Viktorovna
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